Runaway Beauty

By Rochmad Setyadi (February 18, 2003)

Have you ever felt being dumped from your own home? Well, I believe within our evoluted and old human civilation, it is only law and attorney command that seems quite civilized to make it happens. It is to be believed as well that the barbarian era was gone forever long decades ago. We are safe now and being protected by law and order. In any case, when the execution began, there would be a waste if you try to fight against the executor, better do it it in civilized way. Just try to appeal to the court.

What happens if it is in a wild life? A shallow water where the coral reef and fishes are abundant and grows healthy. A popular dive site with an easy access, just next to your logde. Is there any civilization there?

There was a rare encounter that we found on a desperate dive because of flooded reef by the mud from near river. It was many days after the first flood which almost destroy everything, read the %article:tulamben_flood_report%. It was a running away blue ribbon eel at Coral Garden, Tulamben Bali (January 1, 2003). The eel was so panic, angry and hurt. She was out from her hole-sweet-hole for no particular reason. If we take an analogy of human, law and order compare to a blue ribbon eel in a wild life, lawless environment, what happened if she tries to fight against the executor, she'll get lost and start to panic. This is a good lesson for us, the human being, not ever dare to be at war with the mother nature.

Why did she run? Is it because of poisoned soil after being flooded? Is it because of fighting with another hole residents? Or is it the diver (civilized human) who made it happens for instance the real size of the eel? I don't see the last reason is the right one, since we were the only divers that day. Again, the mother nature show its power and this small ribbon eel is one of the many victims. The fact is that the eel was hurt. Let's just protect our nature.